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How to install RainLoop webmail
Published Wednesday, 27th of April 2016
Overview Install a copy RainLoop webmail shared for all the server users. It increases security, uses less disk space and makes easier updates. The installation was performed on Debian 8.4 with Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.6Steps to follow Installation
  1. Notice that we need root access for all the commands in this blog entry.
    First at all we need to create the folder where our RainLoop code will be stored:
    mkdir /usr/share/rainloop
    cd /usr/share/rainloop

  2. Download the latest version from the web of rainloop and uncompress in the current directory. Delete later the downloaded file because is not needed anymore:
Configure apache
  1. We will configure now apache to serve our folder. Create the folder for RainLoop apache configuration:
    mkdir /etc/rainloop
    We will create and modify the file to use:
    vi /etc/rainloop/apache.conf
    And add the next lines.
    Alias /webmail /usr/share/rainloop
    <Directory /usr/share/rainloop>
        Options -Indexes
        AllowOverride All
    In the file we have created an alias to point to our folder.
  2. Now we add our configuration file for apache to the list of files that apache will load:
    cd /etc/apache2/conf.d
    ln -s ../../rainloop/apache.conf rainloop.conf
  3. We add also rainloop to the available configurations and enable it:
    cd /etc/apache2/conf-available/
    ln -s ../../rainloop/apache.conf rainloop.conf
    a2enconf rainloop
Enable rainloop
  1. And restart apache to reload the rainloop configuration, enable the alias and allow access to the folder:
    service apache2 restart
  2. Access to and configure some options of RainLoop, i.e. the allowed domains. The default credentials are user admin and password 12345.

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