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How to integrate KonaKart into Liferay
Published Monday, 24th of January 2011
Overview Steps on how to integrate KonaKart as portlet in Liferay, shop and administration portlets, having seamless login to administrators. Will be installed in CentOS 5, Liferay 6.0.5 and KonaKart Alias table
${KK_HOST}localhostHost where konakart server will be installed
${KK_DDBB}dbnameDatabase for konakart standard installation
${KK_USERNAME}userDatabase username for the database in konakart
${KK_PASSWORD}secretDatabase password for the database in konakart
${KK_SRC}/KonaKartDirectory for the installation
Steps to follow Liferay Installation
  1. Please check the post How to install Liferay because having Liferay properly installed is a precondition.

Java Installation
  1. Download and install java if you still don't have it installed
    yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64
    (change the version from which is available for your platform)
KonaKart database creation
  1. Create a database
    create database ${KK_DDBB} character set utf8;

  2. Create a user with ${KK_USERNAME} and ${KK_PASSWORD} if doesn’t exist.
    create user '${KK_USERNAME}'@'localhost' identified by '${KK_PASSWORD}';
  3. Assign permissions for this user:
    grant all on ${KK_DDBB}.* to '${KK_USERNAME}'@'localhost' identified by '${KK_PASSWORD}' with grant option;
KonaKart wizard installation
  1. Download the community edition from Download both, the installation wizard and the zip containing the sources. Both are required for this integration.

  2. Execute the installation wizard. Follow the steps selecting where the installation will be done and select the database, user and password created in the step below.
    You can use the "silent" version if you don't have a graphical environment.
    Launch at the end the konakart server.

  3. Open http://${KK_HOST}:8780/konakartadmin (or the port that you have choosen), and change the roles to allow administrators login as single sign on. To do that, go to Customers - Maintain roles, select SuperUser and edit, fill field Custom1 with "Administrator" and save.

KonaKart portlet generation
  1. Unzip the zip file downloaded with the source code in the folder ${KK_SRC}. It could be the file

  2. Run the next command:
    ${KK_SRC}\custom>bin\kkant -p
    You will see a list of tasks availables.
  3. Run the next command to generate the portlet for administration:
    ${KK_SRC}\custom>.\bin\ant make_admin_liferay_portlet_war
    If you have some problems deploying this war in liferay, try to make this task with the extra parameter -Djbossliferay=true
    A file called konakartadmin.war will be created in the ${KK_SRC}\custom\admin_portlet_war directory.

  4. Run the next command to generate the portlet for the frontend:
    ${KK_SRC}\custom>.\bin\ant make_liferay_portlet_war
    If you have some problems deploying this war in liferay, try again to make this task with the extra parameter -Djbossliferay=true A file called konakart.war will be created in the ${KK_SRC}\custom\portlet_war directory.

KonaKart deployment
  1. Deploy konakartadmin.war and konakart.war files in liferay.
    If you have some warning messages in the catalina.out file, try to delete the file wsdd included in /WEB-INF/classes/ in the konakart.war file.

  2. Change some parameters defined in the file, and and to the correct values about users, passwords and ports.

References How to install Liferay

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